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单位:西南科技大学...     作者:李程     来源:工业设计杂志     时间:2020-06-28

摘 要:《产品设计程序与方法》课程是产品设计专业核心课程之首,承接学科基础课与专业实践课,课程以培养学生设计思维的、创新能力、设计方法运用为核心,因此本文立足于应用型本科院校《产品设计程序与方法》课程的教学现状,阐述《产品设计程序与方法》课程教学改革的策略与实施,以培养学生的职业技能与专业素养,打造符合市场需求的应用型设计人才。


中图分类号:G64 文献标识码:A


Abstract:"Procedure and method of product" course is the first of the core courses of product design major, undertaking basic courses and professional practice courses. Course to train students in design thinking, innovative ability, and design method of use as the core, based on the "procedure and method of product" applied college course teaching present situation, elaborated the "procedure and method of product" of teaching reform and implementation of the strategy, in order to cultivate the students' vocational skills and professional quality, build in accordance with market demand applied design talents.

Key Words:Applied universities; procedure and method of product; Teaching reform