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单位:浙江农林大学...     作者:林婷雯,鲍玉雪,王军     来源:工业设计杂志     时间:2020-06-28

摘 要:本文为了解决设计师脱离实际出发而进行的厨房清洁用品设计不符合人机工程设定,给参与家庭厨房清洁的用户带来不良体验的问题。通过实际用户调研收集用户数据,构建面向厨房清洁用品的用户模型数据库,同时通过新型用户模型进行产品设计能有效地节约设计师的调研时间,大量的灵活小巧的用户模型能为设计师和用户带来双方的愉快体验。


中图分类号:J02 文献标识码:A


Abstract:This paper in order to solve the problem that the products produced by designers do not conform to the ergonomics setting and bring bad experience to the users who participate in the household kitchen cleaning. through the actual user survey to collect user data, build a user model database for kitchen cleaning products. And product design with new user models can effectively save designers' research time, and a large number of flexible user models can bring both designers and users a pleasant experience. 

Key Words:Designed for cleaning supplies in the kitchen; user model; construction