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单位:陕西科技大学     作者:王伟伟,胡泊     来源:工业设计杂志     时间:2020-06-28

摘 要:本文从用户体验的角度分析高校图书馆借阅平台的服务设计问题,探究用户体验视角下的高校图书馆借阅平台服务设计方法,为高校图书借阅平台提供新的服务设计思路。通过分析目前高校图书馆借阅平台的现状,结合问卷调研、用户访谈等定量定性分析,并运用用户角色模型、用户体验旅程图,总结出目前图书借阅平台中存在的体验问题。再结合服务设计思维方法,分析梳理出用户痛点,最终确定设计机会点。通过构建图书馆借阅平台服务设计系统,从线上使用、线下服务以及多维度互动三个方面优化服务设计系统,提升用户在借阅时的用户体验,并给出了基于用户体验的高校图书馆借阅平台服务设计案例,以期达到为高校图书馆借阅平台全方位服务的功能。


中图分类号:TP37 文献标识码:A


Abstract:This paper from the perspective of user experience, it analyzes the service design of university library lending platforms, explores the service design methods of university library lending platforms from the perspective of user experience, and provides new service design ideas for university library lending platforms. Method By analyzing the current status of the university library borrowing platform, combined with quantitative qualitative analysis such as questionnaire surveys and user interviews, and using user role models and user experience journey maps, the current experience problems in the book borrowing platform are summarized. Combined with the service design thinking method, the user's pain points are analyzed and sorted out, and finally the design opportunity points are determined. Conclusion Build a library borrowing platform service design system, optimize the service design system from three aspects of online use, offline service and multidimensional interaction, improve the user experience when borrowing, and give a library borrowing based on user experience Platform service design case.In order to achieve a comprehensive service function for the borrowing platform of university library.

Key Words:User experience; University library; Borrowing platform; Service design