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单位:陕西黄河集团...     作者:邹梦婕     来源:工业设计杂志     时间:2020-06-28

摘 要:本文对于汽车零部件行业的新产品研发项目的特征,通过将这个行业作为分析的对象,采取标准化的工作和项目管理融为一体的想法,规划出一种十分完备的新产品研发项目流程标准化的计划,协助汽车零部件行业企业达成新产品研发项目的质量操纵和整个过程的进度掌握,更好地提高新产品研发的效率和质量。与此同时,研究措施以及思路对于一样的行业和其他的行业的新产品研发项目也有着借鉴和参照的价值。


中图分类号:TB472 文献标识码:A


Abstract:for the characteristics of new product R & D projects in auto parts industry, this paper takes this industry as the object of analysis, adopts the idea of integrating standardized work and project management, and plans a very complete plan of standardization process of new product R & D projects to assist auto parts industry enterprises to achieve the quality control and the whole process of new product R & D projects Master the progress of the project, and better improve the efficiency and quality of new product development. At the same time, research measures and ideas for the same industry and other industries of new product R & D projects also have reference value.

Key Words:auto parts; new product development; process; Standard