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大数据依托下山西古村落文化遗产传承与保护研究 ——以山西碛口古镇为例

单位:山西大学商务学院     作者:李雪静     来源:工业设计杂志     时间:2020-06-28

摘 要:文化传承和文化保护一直都是国家发展特色文化、铭记优秀历史文化的重要举措,优秀的民间经典文化和国粹文化可以对全社会进行“以文化制度提升国民文化品格”为主题的社会主义核心价值观教育,也可以在整个国家的历史发展中把前人伟大的精神财富保留下来,为后世的研究和发扬铺平道路,山西古村落文化群的研究长期以来是国家文物保护和研究部门的核心任务,面对全新的大数据时代,如何更好地依托大数据的便利性和科学性来提升山西古村落文化遗产传承与保护的效能,是论文所要关注的核心问题。本文主要以山西碛口古镇为例进行古村落文化遗产传承与保护的研究。


中图分类号:TB491 文献标识码:A


Abstract:Cultural heritage and cultural protection have always been the important measures for the development of national characteristic culture. Bearing in mind the excellent historical culture, excellent folk classic culture and national essence culture can educate the whole society on the socialist core values with the theme of "cultural system to enhance national cultural character", and can also retain the great spiritual wealth of the predecessors in the historical development of the whole country To pave the way for futureresearch and development, the research of Shanxi ancient village culture group has long been the core task of the national cultural relics protection and research department. Facing the new era of Big Data, howto better rely on the cheap and scientific big data to improve the efficiency of inheritance and protection of ShanXi ancient village cultural heritage is the core issue of the paper. This paper taked Qikou ancient town in Shanxi Province asan example to study the heritage and protection of ancient village cultural heritage.

Key Words:big data; Shanxi village cultural heritage; Qikou ancient town; inheritance and protection; practice strategy