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单位:吉林大学艺术学院     作者:李昊     来源:工业设计杂志     时间:2020-07-28

摘 要:今天汽车已经成为人们重要的代步工具,随着汽车保有量的增加,人们的关注度已经从汽车外观造型逐渐转变为内饰造型。车内环境、材质以及色彩成为重要的观察指标,良好的感官体验是人们选购汽车的重要因素。由此可见,设计师在设计过程中除了要考虑功能性与美观性之外,还需要从用户的角度推导设计,以基础的感观体验作为切入点,提高车内的美感和舒适度。因此,基于感官质量进行汽车内饰造型设计,有着非常重要的意义和作用,值得我们研究探索。

关键词:感观质量;汽车内饰造型设计 ;舒适度

中图分类号:U463 文献标识码:A


Abstract:Today, cars have become an important means of transportation for people. With the increase of the number of cars, people's attention has gradually changed from the appearance of cars to the interior of cars. The interior environment, materials and colors of cars have become important observation indicators. Good sensory experience is an important factor for people to buy cars.It can be seen from this that in the design process, designers need to deduce the design from the perspective of users in addition to considering functionality and aesthetics, and take the basic sensory experience as the breakthrough point to improve the aesthetic feeling and comfort in the car.Therefore, the car interior design based on sensory quality has very important significance and function, which is worthy of our research and exploration.

Key Words:Sense quality; Automobile interior design; comfort