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单位:嘉兴学院     作者:池诗雨,范惠燕,朱宁嘉     来源:工业设计杂志     时间:2020-07-28

摘 要:红色文化是物质文化和精神文化的有机统一体,本文在对嘉兴红色文化创意产品的实地调研和现状分析基础上,整合嘉兴地域非遗文化资源硖石灯彩,引入心象思维和服务设计地图的设计方法,对红色文化内涵从景观、人物、故事、文艺以及工艺等多维度解析和挖掘,融合地域精湛的工艺和符合时代审美的物化造型表现,探索区域红色文化品牌特色创新路径。


中图分类号:TB472 文献标识码:A


Abstract:Red culture is an organic unity of material culture and spiritual culture, based on the red culture creative products of jiaxing on-the-spot investigation and the analysis of the status quo, based on the integration of regional intangible cultural resources in jiaxing xiashi illuminating, introducing the theory of mental imagery and map of service design, the design method of the red cultural connotation from landscapes, figures, stories, multidimensional analytical techniques, such as literature and art and craft, and digging, fusion region in line with The Times to superb technology and aesthetic physicochemical performance modelling, explore area red culture brand innovation path.

Key Words:Red cultural creativity; Integration of cultural resources; Theory of Mental Image; Service Ecology Map