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单位:四川外国语大...     作者:吴寒     来源:工业设计杂志     时间:2020-07-28

摘 要:陶瓷艺术是中华文化的重要遗产,是产品设计的重要组成部分。陶瓷艺术兼具文化传承、造型设计、图案设计、色彩设计、结构与工艺制造和材料创新设计等产品设计的重要属性因素,将陶瓷艺术与现代产品设计相结合,从新技术、新时代的角度去赋予陶瓷艺术新的设计创造力,可以推进人工智能背景时代下产品设计专业的发展创新。本文通过陶瓷艺术与现代产品设计的融合,探索现代产品设计的创新应用方法和陶瓷艺术产品的创新形式。


中图分类号:TS936 文献标识码:A


Abstract: Ceramic art is an important heritage of Chinese culture and an important part of product design. Ceramic art combines cultural inheritance, modeling design, pattern design, color design, structure and process manufacturing and material innovation design and other important attribute factors of product design. It combines ceramic art with modern product design and gives it from the perspective of new technology and new era. The new design creativity of ceramic art can promote the development and innovation of product design profession in the era of artificial intelligence. This article explores the innovative application methods of modern product design and the innovative forms of ceramic art products through the fusion of ceramic art and modern product design.

Key Words:ceramic art; modern product design; innovative methods