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单位:中国矿业大学     作者:刘珂,王秀洁,宗威     来源:工业设计杂志     时间:2020-08-21

摘 要:文章首先对老龄心血管疾病患者就医过程进行调查和研究,通过用户流程图的绘制,发掘老年人在就医过程中的痛点,由此提出了心血管病检测与监控系统设计的概念,并阐述了心血管疾病检测与监控服务系统设计的流程,对均衡我国各个地区的医疗水平,促进医疗医院可持续发展具有重要意义,并给今后心血管检测与监控产品的设计优化提供设计方法和案例借鉴。


中图分类号:TB472 文献标识码:A


Abstract:This paper investigate the process of aged patients with cardiovascular diseases treatment and research, through the user flow chart drawing, discover the old pain points in the medical treatment process, thus puts forward the cardiovascular disease detection and monitoring system design concept, and elaborated the cardiovascular disease detection and monitoring service system design process, to balance each region the level of medical care in our country, promoting the sustainable development of medical hospital is of great significance, and cardiovascular detection and monitoring in the future for the design of the product optimization design method and case reference.

Key Words:Cardiovascular diseases; Sustainable; Design of product service system