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“互联网+” 背景下医疗健康类APP交互界面设计研究

单位:湖南理工学院...     作者:黄征,卜梅玲     来源:工业设计杂志     时间:2020-08-24

摘 要:本文在“互联网+”以及医疗健康类APP交互界面设计的概述基础之上,开展以用户需求为导向的问卷调研法,从用户对医疗健康类APP的交互界面的需求方面进行调研,并对调研结果进行分析,在此基础上提出医疗健康类手机APP的交互界面设计方法,为医疗健康类APP的界面设计提供借鉴经验。


中图分类号:J524 文献标识码:A


Abstract:this paper based on the overview of "Internet+" and the design of the interactive interface of medical and health apps, this paper develops a user-oriented questionnaire survey method, and investigates the needs of users for the interactive interface of medical and health apps. The results are analyzed, and on this basis, the interactive interface design method of the medical and health mobile phone APP is proposed, which provides reference experience for the interface design of the medical and health APP.

Key Words:Internet +; Medical care and health; APP interactive interface design