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单位:1.华南农业大...     作者:刘思琴1,周宁昌1,郑雅琦2     来源:工业设计杂志     时间:2020-08-24

摘 要:基于用户需求对人宠共用座椅设计展开研究,运用Kano模型设计问卷进行调查,结合Better-worse系数模型的数据处理方法,对该类产品的用户需求进行筛选和优先级别排序,排除无意义的需求项,得到能使产品产生差异化,形成独特性的需求项。根据需求分析结果,得出产品设计的指导思想,从“人宠互动性”“造型色彩”和“提供攀爬空间”等三个方面进行深入考虑,并赋予实践,旨在为相关研究提供参考。


中图分类号:TS665 文献标识码:A


Abstract:Based on user demand for pet common seat design study, questionnaire investigation, using the Kano model design combined with Better - worse coefficient model of the data processing method, the user demand for the product to filter and priority sorting, exclude meaningless demand, can make the product differentiation, form a unique requirements. According to the results of demand analysis, the guiding ideology of product design is obtained, which is deeply considered from three aspects, such as "people favor interaction", "modeling color" and "providing climbing space", and is given to practice, aiming to provide reference for relevant research.

Key Words:Kano Model; Common people spoil; Seating design