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单位:郑州轻工业大学     作者:白鹭,董向宇     来源:工业设计杂志     时间:2020-08-24

摘 要:近几年,移动互联网实现了从3G到5G的时代性跨越发展,各类型的移动端软件像雨后春笋般相继推出,其中移动端健身类软件的出现使人们健身不再受到时间、场地、器械的局限,并且能够从中获得科学高效的锻炼身体的方法,但由于当今健身软件品种繁多、质量良莠不齐,用户能否坚持使用并获得成效成为此类型软件成功与否的关键因素。文章将结合行为设计学相关理论,针对健身类软件提出更加完善的用户体验策略,帮助用户在完成预设目标的同时提高其使用粘度。


中图分类号:J02 文献标识码:A


Abstract:In recent years, the mobile Internet has achieved a great leap forward development from 3G to 5G, and various types of mobile terminal software have been launched rapidly. The emergence of mobile fitness software makes people no longer be limited by time, place and equipment, and can obtain scientific and efficient exercise methods from it The key factor for the success of this type of software is to use it persistently and get good results. Based on the theory of behavior design, this paper puts forward a more perfect user experience strategy for fitness software to help users improve the viscosity of their use while completing the preset goals.

Key Words: behavior design; mobile Internet; fitness software; application