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单位:湖南工业职业...     作者:黄慧     来源:工业设计杂志     时间:2020-09-23

摘 要:针对高职院校人才培养的特点,教学需要对接职业属性,符合时下社会需求。文章以《交互设计基础》课程教学实践为例,提出了“知识+能力”双向培养的项目化教学模式。通过项目驱动实践,以循序渐进的教学模式帮助学生构建系统化的“知识架构”与专业化的“能力架构”,让学生从“知识迁移”走向“能力转化”。在提升学生知识和能力的同时,更有助于实现高职教育激发学生发展职业知识和技能的目标。

中图分类号:G64 文献标识码:A

Abstract:In view of the characteristics of higher vocational colleges in talent cultivation, their teaching practice are supposed to be align with professional attributes to meet the demand of current society.Based on the case study on Interaction Design course teaching, this paper proposes a project-based teaching (PBL) model with a "knowledge plus competence" culture method.It integrated the project into the teaching practices, through the step-by-step teaching mode helps students to build systematic "knowledge structure" and professional "competence structure", moving from "knowledge migration" to the "competence transformation". It can not only improve students' professional knowledge and competence, but also helps to realize the goal of stimulating students to develop professional knowledge and skills in higher vocational education.  
Key Words:Vocational college; Interaction design; project-based teaching ; Knowledge structure; Competence structure