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单位:陕西科技大学...     作者:王伟伟,孟丹妮,巩丽娜     来源:工业设计杂志     时间:2020-09-23

摘 要:本文通过构建用户旅程图、创建服务蓝图等方法,分析社区用户居家状态下的就医行为和心理需求,在社区健康医疗管理方式中引入集中式数据库,精确地为社区居民进行有效地医疗服务。解决了社区所有用户健康信息的可控性、安全性和准确性,同时对其信息进行有效地实时反馈,使得社区内全体居民的健康状况可被及时上报社区,解决了社区居民的健康医疗问题,进而为今后的医疗健康追踪、用户信息统计等相关服务方面提供了有利地支持。

中图分类号:TP391 文献标识码:A

Abstract:This paper through poetry analyzes the medical behavior and psychological needs of community users at home by constructing user journey maps and creating service blueprints, and introduces a centralized database in the community health and medical management methods to accurately provide effective medical services for community residents. The conclusion is to solve the controllability, safety and accuracy of the health information of all users in the community, and at the same time provide effective real-time feedback on the information, so that the health status of all residents in the community can be reported to the community in time, and the health of the community residents is solved. Medical issues, and then provide favorable support for future medical health tracking, user information statistics and other related services.
Key Words:smart community; service design; community health care; centralized database