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单位:南昌大学     作者:康信辉,王茜,晏敏     来源:工业设计杂志     时间:2020-09-23

摘 要:南昌作为一座英雄城,具有丰富的红色文化基因。为了改善目前红色文化创意产品的创意表达不充分问题,文章在符号学理论的辅助下提取了南昌文化基因,类似于生物基因的概念,经由基因的选择、遗传和变异,将保留的优秀文化基因应用至红色文化创意产品设计中。本文着重阐述了南昌文化基因在红色文化创意产品设计中的应用方法,并赋予实践。以期为企业在文化创意产品研发流程中提供理论参考,显著提升顾客满意度的同时提升文化创意产品的市场价值。

中图分类号:TB472 文献标识码:A

Abstract:As a hero city, Nanchang has rich red cultural genes. In order to improve the insufficient creative expression of red cultural creative products, this paper extracts nanchang cultural genes with the help of semiotics theory, which is similar to the concept of biological genes, and applies the retained excellent cultural genes into the design of red cultural creative products through the selection, heredity and variation of genes. This paper focuses on the application of Nanchang culture-gene in the design of red cultural creative products, and gives practice. In order to provide theoretical reference for enterprises in the research and development process of cultural and creative products, significantly improve customer satisfaction and enhance the market value of cultural and creative products.
Key Words:Nanchang culture gene; Red culture; Creative product design; Application