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单位:天津工业大学...     作者:李晓娇,马彧,安琦     来源:工业设计杂志     时间:2020-09-23

摘 要:为了提升纺织机械装备外观设计的品质,提出一种基于形式美法则的造型设计方法,并以开棉机造型设计为例进行分析研究。总结形式美法则的基本构成要素,明确点、线、面三大元素的典型特征和表现形式,运用统一与变化、稳定与轻巧等基本规律,从细节、整体造型等方面系统性的探究形式美法则在开棉机造型设计中的合理应用,并得出优化方案。为纺织机械装备外观造型提供了一种优化设计思路,赋予纺织机械装备更多的市场竞争力和附加值。

中图分类号:TB472 文献标识码:A

Abstract:In order to improve the quality of the appearance design of textile machinery equipment, a modeling design method based on the rule of formal beauty is proposed, and take the opener modeling design as an example for analysis and research. Summarize the basic elements of the rule of formal beauty, clarify the typical characteristics and manifestations of the three major elements of point, line and surface, use the basic laws of unity and change, stability and lightness, from the aspects of details and overall modeling, it systematically explores the rational application of the law of form in the design of the opener, and obtains an optimized plan. It provides an optimized design idea for the appearance of textile machinery equipment, and gives textile machinery and equipment more market competitiveness and added value.
Key Words:the rule of formal beauty; Constituent elements; Opener; Modeling design; Application