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单位:武汉大学     作者:朱丹,路由     来源:工业设计杂志     时间:2020-09-23

摘 要:“慢生活”是当下流行的一种生活态度,相应地,基于此理念的产品设计也是当代设计中重要的发展趋势。文章通过剖析“慢生活”理念中“慢”的内涵,以可持续性原则和以人为本的设计原则进行剖析,并在家居产品设计中进行设计实践,用设计传达“慢生活”的理念,慢下来享受生活并付诸于实践在家居的产品设计中[1],以此通过发掘、思考生活的真正意义帮助人们在快节奏生活中找到平衡,减轻生理及心理的负担,营造健康的生活状态。

中图分类号:TB472 文献标识码:A

Abstract:"Slow life" is a popular attitude towards life. Accordingly, product design based on this concept is also an important development trend in contemporary design.This paper analyzes the connotation of "slow" in the concept of "slow life", analyzes it with the principle of sustainability and people-oriented design, carries out design practice in home product design, conveys the concept of "slow life" with design, slows down to enjoy life and puts it into practice in home product design, so as to help people in fast development by exploring and thinking about the real meaning of life To find balance in the rhythm of life, reduce the physical and psychological burden, and create a healthy living state.
Key Words:Slow life; household products; design