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单位:安徽工业大学     作者:李梁,王雪洁,张琼     来源:工业设计杂志     时间:2020-09-23

摘 要:徽州民间家具作为徽文化的产物,反映了徽州地区优秀的地域文化以及徽州人的世界观、人生观和价值观,同时也积淀着徽州人的审美取向和社会传统,是徽文化的重要物质载体。基于设计符号学的徽州民间家具研究,以设计符号学理论为基础,从能指所指、文化内涵、符号解读等方面进行分析,解析了徽派民间家具的功能、价值以及文化意义,从而为徽州家具的研究和开发提供更多的方法和思路,也进一步促进徽州文化的发扬和传播。

中图分类号:J525 文献标识码:A

Abstract:As the product of Huizhou culture, Huizhou Folk Furniture reflects the excellent regional culture of Huizhou area and the world outlook, outlook on life and values of Huizhou people. At the same time, it also accumulates the aesthetic orientation and social tradition of Huizhou people. It is an important material carrier of Huizhou culture. Based on the theory of design semiotics, this paper analyzes the function, value and cultural significance of Huizhou Folk Furniture from the aspects of signifier, cultural connotation and symbol interpretation, so as to provide more methods and ideas for the research and development of Huizhou furniture, and further promote the development and dissemination of Huizhou culture.
Key Words:Design semiotics; Huizhou folk furniture; Signifier signifier; Innovative design