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单位:丽水学院     作者:朱丹舟     来源:工业设计杂志     时间:2020-10-26

摘 要:《产品形态设计》课程是工业设计专业基础课程过渡至专业核心课程的重要构成部分,文章融合A-H-CDIO教学模式的教学理念,以工业设计专业《产品形态设计》课程教学改革为例,针对课程教学现状,创新性提出重组教学内容、重视艺术基础教育、结合专业竞赛、丰富教学方法及完善教学评价体系等多项课堂教学改革措施,可为工业设计专业其他课程改革实践提供一定的参考。


中图分类号:G64 文献标识码:A


Abstract:The course "Product Form Design" courseis an important part of the transition from the basic courses to the core courses for the industrial design major. Based on the current situation, this paper integrates the teaching concept of the A-H-CDIO Teaching Mode by illustrating the teaching reform of the course Product Form Design of the industrial design major, and innovatively puts forward several approaches of teaching reform, such as reorganizing teaching contents, emphasizing the basic art education, encouraging participation of professional competitions, diversifying teaching methods and improving teaching evaluation system, which can be of reference to other curriculum teaching reforms of the industrial design major.

Key Words:A-H-CDIO Teaching Mode; Industrial design; "Product form design" course ; teaching reform