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单位:桂林电子科技...     作者:田婧     来源:工业设计杂志     时间:2020-10-26

摘 要:随着第四次工业革命的应运而生,教育部门为培养出合格的现代化人才,提出了新工科教育理念。旨在培养学生的工程技术和科学技术能力、人文素质、全球意识、伦理认知、价值理念等。艺术设计类专业课堂教学主要培养学生的艺术修养,完善学生的人格。本文从艺术设计类专业教学现状出发,以新工科为背景,提出了相应的教学改革策略,旨让艺术设计类专业课教学实现跨专业、跨学科的和谐共生,打开艺术设计人才培养的新思路,为社会培养合格的高等人才。

关键词: 新工科;艺术设计;教学改革

中图分类号:G64 文献标识码:A


Abstract:With the emergence of the fourth industrial Revolution, education departments put forward new engineering education concept in order to cultivate qualified modern talents. It aims at cultivating students' comprehensive abilities of engineering technology, science and technology, humanistic quality, global consciousness, ethical cognition, value idea and so on. The classroom teaching of art design major is mainly to cultivate students' artistic accomplishment and improve their personality. Starting from the current teaching situation of art design major, and takes new engineering as the background. The corresponding teaching reform strategy is put forward, which means that the teaching of specialized courses in art design will realize cross-specialty and cross-discipline symbiosis, open up new ideas for the cultivation of art design talents, and cultivate qualified higher talents for the society.

Key Words:New engineering; art design; teaching reform