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单位:长春工业大学     作者:温豪,李明     来源:工业设计杂志     时间:2020-10-26

摘 要:为了提升拖挂式房车车身造型的设计美感,满足消费者审美和情感化需求,将仿生设计引入拖挂式房车车身造型设计开发过程中。基于仿生设计原理,结合拖挂式房车的使用环境、用户需求,提出房车车身造型仿生设计的创新设计方法、应用思路和设计流程。为房车车身造型增添生机和活力,有效提升房车车身造型的美感,引导人们对房车产品的认知并产生情感共鸣。希望通过仿生设计在拖挂式房车车身造型设计中的应用研究,促进国内房车车身造型设计的发展。


中图分类号:TB472 文献标识码:A


Abstract:In order to improve the design aesthetic feeling of trailer body shape and meet the aesthetic and emotional needs of consumers, the bionic design is introduced into the design and development process of trailer body shape. Based on the bionic design principle, combined with the use environment and user demand of trailer, the innovative design method, application idea and design process of trailer body modeling bionic design are proposed. Add vigor and vitality to RV body modeling effectively enhance the beauty of RV body modeling, guide people's cognition of RV products and generate emotional resonance. It is hoped that the bionic design can promote the development of trailer body design in China through the application research of trailer body design.

Key Words:Bionic design; Trailer car; Car body; Modeling design; Application