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单位:北方工业大学     作者:杜晓江,刘永翔     来源:工业设计杂志     时间:2020-10-28

摘 要:21世纪社会经济结构、生活水平以及家庭环境等方面的发展使得人类所面临的问题也悄然地发生着变化,其中养老问题逐渐成为社会的焦点。文章以老年人的出行特征为研究依据,通过对老年人的出行目的、时间、距离以及出行方式选择等进行整理,分析其对助行产品设计因素的影响,期望能够以此为参考依据,设计更多的老年人产品来充实市场,为老年人的出行提供更加完善的保障。


中图分类号:TB472 文献标识码:A


Abstract:In the 21st century, the development of the social and economic structure, living standards, and family environment has quietly changed the problems faced by human beings. Among them, the issue of elderly care has gradually become the focus of society. The article is based on the basic characteristics of elderly travel. Organize the travel purpose, time, distance, and travel mode choices of the elderly, analyze their influence on the design factors of mobility products, and hope that  can use this as a reference to design more elderly products to enrich the market, To provide more perfect protection for the elderly to travel.

Key Words:The elderly; travel characteristics; the design of walking-assisting products; influence