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单位:常州大学怀德学院     作者:王婉蓉,陆冠东     来源:工业设计杂志     时间:2020-10-28

摘 要:5G时代的到来,丰富了视觉传达设计多元发展的路径。本文以探讨视觉传达设计在5G时代语境下,如何满足大众日益提高且多样的精神生活需求为目的,通过对5G时代及视觉传达设计、大众需求特点的把握,对5G时代下视觉传达设计的多元发展意义及其路径进行了研究。5G时代下,视觉传达设计应立足于受众的情感诉求,勇于与其他设计领域相结合,并通过对受众的“精准定位”做到精准传达。希望通过本文的研究,以期在未来为视觉传达设计提供一定思路。


中图分类号:J524 文献标识码:A


Abstract:The arrival of 5G era enriches the path of diversified development of visual communication design. This paper aims to explore how visual communication design can meet the increasingly improved and diverse spiritual life needs of the public in the context of 5G era. By grasping the characteristics of 5G era, visual communication design and mass demand, it studies the diversified development path and significance of visual communication design in 5G era. In the 5G era, visual communication design should be based on the emotional appeal of the audience, brave to combine with other design fields, and achieve accurate communication through the "precise positioning" of the audience. I hope that through the acting skills of this article, I hope to provide some ideas for visual communication design in the future.

Key Words:5G era; visual communication design; Diversified development; path