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单位:太原工业学院     作者:程跃     来源:工业设计杂志     时间:2020-10-28

摘 要:本文从书籍装帧设计的层面探讨了其在电子出版时代下设计形式以及设计载体的转变,并通过对电子出版时代下的书籍装帧设计的转变形式进行分析,分别阐述向自由化设计、多媒体设计、交互设计、人工智能化设计的转变四个形式,并提出书籍装帧设计是随着时代的变化而不断发展的,在现代电子出版时代,书籍装帧设计必将面临更大的转变与发展,以期为新媒体下书籍装帧设计的有序健康发展提供借鉴。


中图分类号:J524 文献标识码:A


Abstract:From the level of book binding design, this paper discusses the transformation of design form and design carrier in the electronic publishing environment. and through the analysis of the transformation form of book binding design in the era of electronic publishing, it respectively expounds the transformation to free design, multimedia design, interactive design and artificial intelligence design, and puts forward that book binding design is with the times In the era of modern electronic publishing, book binding design is bound to face greater changes and development, in order to provide reference for the orderly and healthy development of book binding design under the new media.

Key Words:Book design; Electronic publishing; Change