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单位:天津职业大学     作者:李芮     来源:工业设计杂志     时间:2020-10-28

摘 要:家庭是满足人们正常饮食起居的固定场所,健康的家庭生活能够帮助人们保持身心的健康。分析人们在使用家居产品时产生的心理现象与行为表现,可以帮助人们实现心理和行为的良性发展,达到健康的目的。因此,本文根据目前家庭智能产品现状,提出相应的设计策略。希望用户在使用家庭智能健康产品的过程中,智能健康体系的架构和组成部件可以针对不同环境和不同健康状况进行需求的反馈和信号的发出,并且可以把随时监测和分析的数据及时反馈给用户,快速形成具备健康家庭生活适应性的解决方案。


中图分类号:TB472 文献标识码:A


Abstract:Family is a fixed place to meet people's normal diet and living, and a healthy family life can help people maintain their physical and mental health. The analysis of psychological phenomena and behavioral manifestations of people's use of household products can help people realize the benign development of psychology and behavior and achieve the goal of health. Therefore, according to the current situation of home intelligent products, this paper puts forward the corresponding design strategy. Hope that users in the use of smart house in the process of health products, intelligent health system architecture and components for different environmental and health requirements of feedback and the signal in the mail, and you can take at any time monitoring and analysis of data and timely feedback to the user, quickly form a healthy family life adaptive solution.

Key Words:Design psychology; Families; Intelligent; Health product design