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单位:西南林业大学     作者:刘洁,何蕊,孔超     来源:工业设计杂志     时间:2020-10-28

摘 要:文章以儿童用户为核心,以楚雄彝族非物质文化遗产为研究对象,以桌游为设计形式载体,提炼和归纳了非物质文化遗产元素与桌游形式的融合原则,并进行了设计实践。以期楚雄彝族非物质文化遗产在儿童群体中更好地传播,为传统文化渗透儿童成长环境的相关设计提供理论指导,同时为相关研究提供实践参考。


中图分类号:TB472 文献标识码:A


Abstract:This paper takes children users as the core, takes the intangible cultural heritage of Chuxiong Yi nationality as the research object, and board games as the design form carrier, abstracts and summarizes the principle of the integration of intangible cultural heritage elements and board games, and carries out design practice. It is hoped that the intangible cultural heritage of Chuxiong Yi nationality can be better spread among children, providing theoretical guidance for the design of the environment where traditional culture penetrates children's growth, and providing practical reference for relevant research.

Key Words:Chuxiong Yi nationality's intangible cultural heritage; Board game design; children; fuse