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单位:洛阳理工学院...     作者:魏迎涛     来源:工业设计杂志     时间:2020-11-24

摘 要:《文化创意产品设计》课程在平面设计专业的学习中占有十分重要的地位,其原因与当下文化产业的快速发展密切相关。以地域文化为主要内容而进行的文化创意产品设计,更能体现本土的文化特色。本文通过突破传统教学内容、提高综合应用能力、建立团队协作意识、加强校企双向合作等思路,进行以传承地域文化为导向的《文化创意产品设计》课程的教学改革,以此推动地方文化和经济的全面发展,达到高质量教育教学目的。


中图分类号:G64 文献标识码:A


Abstract:"Cultural and creative product design" course plays a very important role in the study of graphic design major. Its reason is closely related to the rapid development of cultural industry. The design of cultural and creative products with regional culture as the main content can better reflect the local cultural characteristics. In this paper, through breakthroughs in traditional teaching content, improving comprehensive application capabilities, establishing teamwork awareness, strengthening school-enterprise two-way cooperation, etc., the teaching reform of the "Cultural and creative product design" course oriented to inherit regional culture is carried out to promote local culture and The overall development of the economy has achieved the goal of high-quality education and teaching.

Key Words:Regional culture; "Cultural and creative product design" course; teaching reform