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单位:洛阳理工学院     作者:高林娟     来源:工业设计杂志     时间:2020-11-24

摘 要:产教融合是新时代应用型本科高校的一项重要战略任务,也是未来发展的必然趋势。文章以《文化创意产品设计》课程为例,简述产教融合模式在《文化创意产品设计》教学中的应用意义;产教融合模式在《文化创意产品设计》教学应用中存在的问题与建议;以及产教融合在文化创意产品设计中的应用实践,包括课程与企业项目合作的内容和形式、教学中详尽的过程、成果的落地与后期的推广等。以期能够为找到一条更适合高校产教融合的道路,从而实现新时代应用型本科院校产教融合的顺利开展。


中图分类号:G64 文献标识码:A


Abstract:The integration of industry and education is an important strategic task for application-oriented universities in the new era and an inevitable trend of future development. Taking the course of "cultural creative product design" as an example, this paper briefly introduces the application significance of production-education integration mode in the teaching of "cultural creative product design". Problems and Suggestions in the application of production-education integration mode in the teaching of cultural and creative product design; As well as the application practice of the integration of production and education in the design of cultural and creative products, including the content and form of the cooperation between courses and enterprise projects, the detailed process of teaching, the implementation of the results and the later promotion. In order to find a more suitable way for the integration of industry and education in universities, so as to realize the smooth development of the integration of industry and education in application-oriented undergraduate universities in the new era.

Key Words: Integration of production and education; Cultural and creative product design; application