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单位:广西艺术学院...     作者:丘庭媚     来源:工业设计杂志     时间:2020-11-24

摘 要:本文为顺应现代文化创意产品的发展需求,壮族民间传说文化应与现代化创意设计在社会实时局面下共生,以壮族民间传说为精华的基础上进行创新性设计。因此,本文阐述了壮族民间传说在现代文化创意产品设计中运用时应该遵循的资源适应性原则、功能适应性原则、人文适应性原则和变化适应性原则,方能在传承和保护壮族民族传说文化资源的前提下对之进行创新设计和应用,从而促进壮族文化产业繁荣和发展。


中图分类号:TB472 文献标识码:A


Abstract:In order to meet the development demand of modern cultural and creative products, the culture of Zhuang folk legend should coexist with modern creative design in the real-time situation of the society, and innovative design should be carried out on the basis of the essence of Zhuang folk legend. Therefore, this article expounds zhuang folklore culture resources of the modern culture creative product design should follow the principle of resource flexibility, adaptability principle of adaptation, cultural adaptation and change function principle, can be in the inheritance and protection of the zhuang nationality under the premise of legend culture resources to innovation design and application, so as to promote the zhuang culture industry prosperity and development.

Key Words:Zhuang; folklore; cultural and creative product design; design principles