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单位:1.爱知县立艺...     作者:林子翔1,徐佳2,柴崎幸次1     来源:工业设计杂志     时间:2020-11-24

摘 要:触摸图形是视觉障碍者获取信息的主要渠道,也是该人群的主要认知方式。本文对触摸图形的定义、国内外的发展状况进行了一定的梳理,并对视觉障碍群体的心理与生理特点进行了一定的分析,初步归纳总结了触摸图形设计的十条原则,认为触摸图形设计应遵循视觉障碍者的认知发展特点,结合特征识别和部件识别设计原理,从触觉优先的角度,通过受众群体反馈的认知效果进行触觉校正以提高触摸图形信度和效度的设计方法。通过本文的研究,以期为触摸图形设计的相关工作者提供一定的借鉴和参考。


中图分类号:J524 文献标识码:A


Abstract:Touch graphics is the main channel for the visually impaired to obtain information, and it is the main way of cognition for these people. This article sorts out the definition of touch graphics and the development status at home and abroad. It also analyzes the psychological and physiological characteristics of visually impaired groups, and ten principles and methods of touch graphic design are preliminarily summarized. It is believed that the design of touch graphics should follow the cognitive development characteristics of the visually impaired combined with the feature recognition and component recognition design principles, and from the perspective of tactile priority, tactile correction is carried out through the cognitive effects of audience feedback to improve the design method of graphic reliability and validity.Through the research of this paper, we hope to provide some reference for the related workers of touch graphic design.

Key Words:Visually Impaired; Tactile Graphics; Design