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单位:北京理工大学     作者:梁帆,江湘芸     来源:工业设计杂志     时间:2020-12-22

摘 要:文章对独居青年群体的特征以及在影音产品的使用和需求方面的特殊性进行了分析,总结出独居青年群体对影音产品的需求主要体现在更大的显示范围、更好的扩展性、便携性和性价比高等方面。基于以上总结,提出面向独居青年群体的影音产品在设计中应当遵循的便携化原则、智能化原则和时尚化原则。以期更加适合独居青年群体的使用需求和审美需求,从而提高影响产品的竞争性。


中图分类号:TB472 文献标识码:A


Abstract:The article analyzes the characteristics of the youth group living alone and the particularity in the use and demand of audio-visual products, and concludes that the demand for audio-visual products of the young people living alone is mainly reflected in a larger display range, better scalability, and portability. And cost-effective aspects. Based on the above summary, this paper proposes the principles of portability, intelligence and fashion that should be followed in the design of audio-visual products for young people living alone. In order to be more suitable for the use and aesthetic needs of young people living alone, so as to improve the competitiveness of products.

Key Words:Young people living alone; Audio-visual products; Design