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单位:长春工业大学     作者:许小侠,刘肖良,傅洪发     来源:工业设计杂志     时间:2020-12-22

摘 要:交互设计是将产品、人和服务之间紧密联系起来,注重更多的是以人为本,强调人在使用过程中的感受,其最终目的是为了促进人与产品之间的和谐共处。本文以餐厅送餐机器人为研究对象,阐述交互设计的概念,初步探讨送餐机器人的交互设计思路,以期未来送餐机器人的设计可以更好地与交互设计相融合,从而进一步提升用户交互体验。


中图分类号:TB472 文献标识码:A


Abstract:Interaction design focuses more on people-oriented by closely linking products, people and services, and emphasizes the feelings of people in the process of use. Its ultimate goal is to promote harmonious coexistence between people and products. This article takes restaurant food delivery robots as the research object, expounds the concept and meaning of interaction design, and discusses the idea of interaction design of food delivery robots, hoping that the design of food delivery robots in the future can be better integrated with interaction design , Thereby further enhancing the user interaction experience.

Key Words:food delivery robot; Interaction mode; Interaction design