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单位:宜春职业技术学院     作者:刘嘉妮     来源:工业设计杂志     时间:2020-12-22

摘 要:目前涉及婚庆主题的餐具设计较少,且设计形式单一,缺乏创新性。文章以婚庆文化元素为切入点,首先阐述了婚庆文化元素在餐具设计中的运用意义,然后从婚庆图案及婚庆色彩两方面阐述了婚庆文化元素在餐具设计中的应用思路。希翼在传承传统文化的同时促进餐具设计的发展,创新发展餐具的设计方法。


中图分类号:TS972 文献标识码:A


Abstract:At present, the tableware design involved in the wedding theme is less, and the design form is single, lack of innovation. The article takes the wedding culture element as the breakthrough point, first expounds the significance of the application of wedding culture element in tableware design, and then expounds the application idea of wedding culture element in tableware design from the two aspects of wedding pattern and wedding color. Hope to promotes the development of tableware and innovates the design method of tableware while inheriting the traditional culture.

Key Words:Wedding cultural elements; tableware design; Application