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单位:山西大学商务学院     作者:张栋     来源:工业设计杂志     时间:2020-12-22

摘 要:情趣化设计不仅是一种设计方法,也能深层次地满足使用者的需求,并且具有一定趣味的产品及情感表达也使产品具备了基本美学和艺术特色。本文从陶艺产品设计的角度出发,首先阐述了情趣化设计在陶艺产品设计中的应用意义与思路,然后探讨了情趣化设计在陶艺产品造型、色彩、装饰纹肌理中的应用体现。希望通本文的探讨,增加陶艺产品的创新方向,丰富陶艺产品的语言表达,促进人与物之间的感情交流。


中图分类号:TB472 文献标识码:A


Abstract:Interesting design is not only a kind of design method, but also can satisfy users' needs deeply. Besides, interesting products and emotional expressions also make the products possess basic aesthetics and artistic features. From the perspective of ceramic product design, this paper first expounds the significance and 

ideas of the application of spice design in ceramic product design, and then discusses the application of spice design in the shape, color and decorative texture of ceramic product.Through the discussion of this paper, I hope to increase the direction of ceramic innovation, enrich the expression of ceramic language, and promote the emotional exchange between people and objects.

Key Words: interesting design; ceramic products; Application