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单位:沈阳航空航天大学     作者:梁宇祺,刘洋     来源:工业设计杂志     时间:2020-12-22

摘 要:本文从老年用户需求及旧居民社区服务现状出发,引出了针对目前旧居民社区有关老年群体的服务设计思考。通过对目前国内外旧居民社区服务设计现状及旧社区老年住户的需求进行分析,提出解决旧居民社区老年住户日常困扰需求的新型服务方案。以社区志愿者协助及社区服务人员自发组织的形式,通过APP进行线上求助信息整合,并在线下提供给不同老年住户不同需求的专项服务,以此提升旧居民社区老年居民的幸福感。


中图分类号:TB472 文献标识码:A


Abstract:Starting from the needs of elderly users and the current status of community services in old residents, this article leads to the current service design thinking for the elderly in old residents’ communities. Through the analysis of the current domestic and foreign old residential community service design status and the needs of elderly residents in old communities, a new service plan is proposed to solve the daily troubled needs of elderly residents in old residential communities. In the form of community volunteer assistance and spontaneous organization of community service personnel, online help information integration is carried out through APP, and special services for different needs of different elderly households are provided offline to enhance the happiness of elderly residents in old residential communities.

Key Words:Elderly; Users' needs; Community; Service design