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单位:1中国美术学院...     作者:叶徐笑茜1,陈异子12     来源:工业设计杂志     时间:2021-01-20

摘 要:针对目前工业设计赛事品牌差异化较弱等问题,通过官网这一传播入口,提升品牌形象并使用户建立品牌认同感,以此提供设计策略和解决思路。本文首先阐述了品牌基因及工业设计赛事类官网层级要素,其次分析了基于品牌基因的工业设计赛事类官网设计意义,最后说明如何通过品牌基因构建工业设计赛事类官网的设计方法,并进行相应设计实践。通过本文的研究,以期为工业设计赛事类官网设计提供一定的参考。


中图分类号:J524 文献标识码:A


Abstract:In view of the weak brand differentiation of the current industrial design competitions, the official website is used to enhance the brand image and enable users to establish brand identity through the communication portal of the official website, thereby providing design strategies and solutions. This article first elaborates the brand genes and the hierarchical elements of the official website of the industrial design competition, Secondly, it analyzes the significance of the design of the official website of the industrial design competition based on the brand gene, and designs accordingly practice, and finally explains how to construct the design method of the official website of the industrial design competition through the brand gene. Through the research of this article, I hope to provide a certain reference for the design of official website of industrial design competition.

Key Words:brand gene; industrial design; official website design of competition