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单位:北京理工大学     作者:孔繁霞     来源:工业设计杂志     时间:2021-01-20

摘 要:本文将索绪尔提出的历时性与共时性、能指与所指、横组合与聚合关系三大理论结合钟表设计符号的演变和创新进行探讨。钟表设计作为人类历史发展进程中极为重要的生活器具,在以符号学指导的设计中有很强的规律可循,文章旨在寻找钟表设计演变当中的规律,并为现代钟表的创新性设计指引方向。


中图分类号:TB472 文献标识码:A


Abstract:In this paper, Saussure's three theories, diachronic and synchronic, signifier and signifier, horizontal combination and aggregation, are discussed in combination with the evolution and innovation of clock design symbols. Clock design as a very important living utensil in the process of human history development, there are strong rules to follow in the design guided by semiotics. This paper aims to find the rules in the evolution of clock design, but does not guide the innovative design of modern clocks.

Key Words:semiotics theory; clock design; evolution; innovation