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单位:中国矿业大学...     作者:张慧丹,姚君     来源:工业设计杂志     时间:2021-01-21

摘 要:汉代建鼓大多存于汉画石像中,建鼓图像包括建鼓、装饰物、底座、人物、以及整体画面的韵动感,故事性较为突出。但是由于汉画像石中图像模糊、视图信息不全等原因的限制,汉代建鼓在结构方面鲜有关注。本文从设计艺术的角度出发,通过对建鼓汉画像细致分析并与出土器物进行对比论证,探析汉代建鼓可能存在的结构特征。以期对复原汉代建鼓的整体面貌提供一定借鉴。


中图分类号:K879 文献标识码:A


Abstract:The jian drum in Han Dynasty is mostly found in the stone statues of Han paintings. The image includes the drum, decorations, base, figures and the rhyme and motion of the whole picture .The story is more prominent.However, due to the limitations of blurred images and incomplete view information in Han dynasty stone, little attention has been paid to the structure of jian drum in Han Dynasty.From the point of view of design art, through the careful analysis of the portrait of Han Dynasty drum construction and the comparative demonstration with unearthed objects, this paper speculates some possible structural features of drum construction.In order to restore the overall appearance of han dynasty drum to provide some reference.

Key Words:Han Dynasty; jian drum; Architectural feature