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单位:南京师范大学...     作者:陈相     来源:工业设计杂志     时间:2021-01-21

摘 要:本文探寻包装设计中负空间的视觉表现和审美价值,丰富包装的表现形式和视觉效果,为拓展现代包装设计方向提供新思路。通过对包装设计中的“负空间”进行解读,探讨其在现代包装设计中的应用形式。将包装设计中负空间的视觉表现和审美价值作系统性阐述、归纳和总结,使之更好地应用于设计实践,强化包装设计中视觉的功能美和趣味美,提升商品包装的附加值,为现代包装设计拓宽道路。


中图分类号:J524 文献标识码:A


Abstract:This paper was aimed to explore the visual expression and aesthetic value of negative space in package design, enrich the presentation and artistic effect of packages, and provide new ways of thinking for the development in the field of modern package design. Through the interpretation of "negative space" in packaging design,, the application forms of “negative space” in modern package design were studied. The visual expression and aesthetic value of negative space in packaging design are systematically elaborated, summarized and summarized so as to make it better applied in design practice, Strengthen the visual sense and interesting beauty in packaging design, enhance the added value of commodity packaging, widen the way for modern packaging design.

Key Words:Package design; Negative space; Visual expression; Aesthetic value