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单位:东北农业大学     作者:刘丽,边卓     来源:工业设计杂志     时间:2021-01-21

摘 要:色彩是APP界面设计中最重要的元素,它不仅可以展现出APP界面的设计美感,而且也是界面设计的一种形式语言,能够准确地表达出作品的主题与内涵,同时也是设计者传达界面信息情感、增加艺术效果的重要方法。本文首先阐述了色彩和APP界面设计的相关概念,其次研究了色彩在APP界面设计中的应用意义,最后总结分析出色彩在APP界面设计中的应用思路,通过本文的研究,希望学习掌握色彩的视觉意义与象征意义,有效地运用好色彩在APP界面设计中的作用,从而进行更好地界面设计。


中图分类号:J524 文献标识码:A


Abstract:Color is the most important element in APP interface design. It can not only show the beauty of APP interface design, but also a formal language of interface design. It can accurately express the theme and connotation of the work, and it is also the designer conveying interface information. Emotion is an important way to increase artistic effects. This paper first describes the concept of color and app interface design, then studies the application significance of color in app interface design, and finally summarizes and analyzes the application ideas of color in app interface design. Through the research of this paper, I hope to learn to master the visual meaning and symbolic meaning of color, and effectively use the role of good color in app interface design, so as to better Interface design.

Key Words:color; app; interface design; application