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单位:镇江市高等专...     作者:孟婷     来源:工业设计杂志     时间:2021-03-01

摘 要:现今的高职高专教育在培养学生时,对学生创业的关注和指导尚有缺乏。针对目前学生创业人群的增加,如何将高职高专创业作为教授内容,融入其专业课程中,是目前教学中必须要面对的问题。文章从高职高专的学生出发,研究将双创教育与专业课程教学相融合思路,充分重视高职高专学生群体在双创教育中的适应性。希望通过本文的研究,能对高职高专创新创业教育工作起到推动作用。


中图分类号:G64 文献标识码:A


Abstract:Nowadays, there is a lack of attention and guidance for students to start their own business in university education. In view of the increasing number of students starting their own businesses, how to integrate college students starting their own businesses into their professional courses is a problem that must be faced in the current teaching. Starting from the students of Higher Vocational Colleges, this paper studies the integration of double-creation education and specialized course teaching, and attaches great importance to the adaptability of the students in double-creation education. I hope that the study of this paper can play a role in promoting innovation and entrepreneurship education in higher vocational colleges.

Key Words:Students; Double Innovation Education; Professional teaching; Integration