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单位:青岛理工大学     作者:张颖     来源:工业设计杂志     时间:2021-03-01

摘 要:本文首先阐述了交互界面设计的基本概念及其色彩对受众的引导意义。其次通过根据大众视觉色彩感知的研究和交互界面设计的案例,对交互界面中色彩对受众的引导意义进行了详细分析,归纳总结了交互界面设计中色彩对受众的引导原则,从中发现简洁、美观、易用的界面设计能给人带来良好的视觉体验。通过本文的研究,以期为在交互界面设计中关于色彩的运用提供一些启示,既有利于提升产品自身价值,又能满足人们不同的需求。


中图分类号:J524 文献标识码:A


Abstract:This paper first describes the basic concept of interactive interface design and the guiding significance of the color in design to the audience.Secondly, according to the research of public visual color perception and the case of interactive interface design, the guidance significance of color in interactive interface to the audience is analyzed in detail,and the guiding principle of color to the audience in interactive interface design was summarized,that the succinct、beautiful and easy-to-use interface design can bring people a good visual experience.Through the research of this paper,that hope to provide readers with some enlightenment on the use of color in the interactive interface design.It can enhance the value of the product which can meet people's various needs.

Key Words:Interactive Interface Design; Color; Audience; Guiding