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单位:青岛理工大学...     作者:张念伟     来源:工业设计杂志     时间:2021-03-22

摘 要:鳌山卫传统民居营造技艺是在一定的历史背景下,集海洋文化、军事文化、农耕文化三者相融合而形成的极具地方特色的营造技艺。本文主要针对近些年来数字化技术在传统民居营造技艺展示中的应用与发展,借此对鳌山卫传统民居进行实地考察与研究,在保护和继承传统民居营造技艺文化的基础上,进一步探究符合数字化时代特征的展示设计策略,从而通过现代数字化的展示技术,增强人们对鳌山卫传统民居营造技艺的认知度与关注度。


中图分类号:TP311 文献标识码:A


Abstract:AoShanwei traditional residence build ctechniques is in a certain historical background, the collection of Marine culture, military culture and farming culture and the integration of the three extremely local characteristics of construction in this paper, in view of the digital technology in recent years in the traditional local-style dwelling houses build skills to show the application and development, take the on-the-spot investigation and research on AoShanwei traditional residence build, the protection and inheritance of traditional local-style dwelling houses building culture art, on the basis of further explore conforms to the characteristics of digital display design strategy, thus through modern digital display technology, enhance people's awareness and attention to AoShanwei traditional residence build techniques.

Key Words:AoShanwei Traditional Residential Building; Construction Techniques; Digital; Display design