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单位:东北农业大学     作者:苏琦,刘丹     来源:工业设计杂志     时间:2021-03-22

摘 要:冬奥会是四年一届世界规模最大的冬季综合性运动会,是与夏季奥林匹克运动会相间举行的体育盛会。2022年北京携手张家口举办第24届冬奥会,无疑会对张家口地区产生强有力的带动作用。百年古堡如何面对奥运会带来的历史新机遇,传统文化和现代产业如何进行碰撞与融合,如何抓住冬奥的契机,大力刺激经济发展,协同体育赛事传播地域文化,以及冬奥元素产业的后续发展再利用等问题亟待解决。本文以张家口百年古堡——金家庄为例,分析其机遇与优势,寻求碰撞与融合的新方法,希望能为金家庄未来的发展提供一些有价值的参考,实现其在乡村文化旅游方面的可持续发展。


中图分类号:TU982.29 文献标识码:A


Abstract:the Winter Olympic Games is the world's largest comprehensive winter games in four years. It is a sports event held in conjunction with the Summer Olympic Games. Beijing in 2022 hand in hand with Zhangjiakou to hold the 24th Winter Olympic Games, will undoubtedly have a strong driving effect on Zhangjiakou area. How to face the new historical opportunities brought by the Olympic Games, how to collide and merge traditional culture and modern industry, how to seize the opportunity of the Winter Olympic Games, vigorously stimulate economic development, and cooperate with sports events to spread regional culture, And the subsequent development of the Olympic element industry reuse and other issues to be solved. Based on the ancient castle of Zhangjiakou—Jinjia Zhuang, for example, analyzes opportunities and advantages, seeks new methods of collision and integration, hoping to provide some valuable reference for the future development of Jinjiazhuang, and realize its sustainable development in rural cultural tourism.

Key Words:Winter Olympics; Centennial Castle; Collision; Fusion