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单位:东北农业大学     作者:谢萌     来源:工业设计杂志     时间:2021-03-22

摘 要:黑龙江在上千年的历史积淀下形成了独特的民俗文化形式,其中最有代表性的包括赫哲族、鄂伦春族、鄂温克族、达斡尔族。通过对黑龙江省民族题材文化创意产品现状进行分析,发现其“同质化”现象严重。针对这一问题,提出了破解同质化的路径,即挖掘黑龙江民族元素的个性化因素、增加需求导向下消费者的黏性、树立品牌效应、AI智能设计与开发等。以期为黑龙江民族题材文化创意产品的设计开发提供理论依据和实际指导意义。


中图分类号:TB472 文献标识码:A


Abstract:Heilongjiang Province has formed a unique form of folk culture in thousands of years of history, among which the most representative include Hezhe, Oroqen, Ewenki and Daur. Through the analysis of the current situation of the design and development of cultural and creative products at home and abroad.Through the analysis of the current situation of the national theme cultural creative products in Heilongjiang Province, it is found that the phenomenon of "homogenization" is serious. In order to solve this problem, the author puts forward a way to solve the "homogenization", which is to excavate the personalized factors of Heilongjiang ethnic elements, enhance the stickiness of consumers under the guidance of demand, establish brand effect, and develop AI intelligence. In order to provide theoretical basis and practical guiding significance for the design and development of Heilongjiang ethnic theme cultural creative products.

Key Words:Heilongjiang Province; Ethnic Themes; Cultural and Creative Products; Homogenization; Crack Path