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传统文化与文化创意产品设计的融合研究 ——以《乐埙》系列文化创意产品设计为例

单位:大连交通大学...     作者:陈俊龙,陶然     来源:工业设计杂志     时间:2021-03-22

摘 要:目前我国文化创意产品设计还处于初级阶段,存在很多问题,而我国传统文化源远流长,博大精深,若将其与文化创意产品设计相融合,必能碰撞出新的火花。文章通过分析文化创意产品设计的现状与存在问题,提出传统文化与文化创意产品设计的融合思路,并赋予实践。以期满足现代人们的审美需求,为文化创意产品设计提供新的设计思路。


中图分类号:TB472 文献标识码:A


Abstract:At present, China's cultural and creative product design is still in the primary stage, there are many problems, and China's traditional culture has a long history, extensive and profound, if it is integrated with the design of cultural and creative products, it will collision a new spark. By analyzing the current situation and existing problems of cultural creative product design, this paper puts forward the idea of integration of traditional culture and cultural creative product design, and endows it with practice. In order to meet the aesthetic needs of modern people, to provide new design ideas for cultural creative product design.

Key Words:Traditional culture; cultural and creative product design; integration