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单位:重庆大学     作者:许世虎,李蕾     来源:工业设计杂志     时间:2021-04-25

摘 要:如今,服务设计逐渐成为设计热点,对于提升产品的服务体验感具有重要意义。文章以吉布森提出的“可供性(Affordance)”概念为理论基础,得出“人—物—环境”的交互关系,并分析了可供性设计实例,以厨房服务设计为研究对象,描述了厨房的服务设计现状,归纳出基于可供性理论的厨房服务设计研究要素,并提出设计原则。通过本文的研究,以期为后续的厨房服务设计提供一定借鉴。


中图分类号:TB472 文献标识码:A


Abstract:Nowadays, service design has gradually become a design hotspot, which is of great significance for enhancing the service experience of products. Based on the concept of "Affordance" proposed by Gibson, the article derives the interactive relationship of "people-things-environment", and analyzes the design examples of availability, taking kitchen service design as the research object, and describes The current status of kitchen service design, summarizes the research elements of kitchen service design based on availability theory, and proposes design principles. Through the research of this article, we hope to provide some reference for the subsequent kitchen service design. 

Key Words:Affordance; Service design; Kitchen design; Interactive experience