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单位:安阳工学院机...     作者:王倩,黄晓阳     来源:工业设计杂志     时间:2021-04-25

摘 要:产品开发设计是工业设计专业的一门重要课程,应在教学过程中采用专题式教学模式开展教学。专题式教学模式可以构建工业设计知识的系统性和连贯性,使学生能够有次序、有目的的进行学习,通过专题式学习,引导学生通过调研、设计、汇报等方式开展教学过程,实现专业理论内容与专业知识综合运用能力的有效衔接,凸显学生的主体地位。


中图分类号:G64 文献标识码:A


Abstract:Product development and design is an important course of industrial design major. In the teaching process, the use of thematic teaching method can build the systematicness and coherence of industrial design knowledge, so that students can learn orderly and purposefully. Through thematic learning, students can be guided to carry out the teaching process through research, design, report and other ways, so as to realize the professional design The effective connection between content and comprehensive application ability of professional knowledge highlights the dominant position of students.

Key Words:Thematic Teaching; Product Development and Design; Application