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“新桂商” 环境下广西本土品牌的服务系统设计研究

单位:南宁学院     作者:余炜     来源:工业设计杂志     时间:2021-04-25

摘 要:随着广西北部湾经济区开放开发,有着独特的文化符号和力量的“新桂商”逐渐走向世界。在此环境下,笔者用服务设计思维将广西品牌与市场需求、消费者需求有机地融合。通过对广西本土品牌现状研究,厘清服务系统设计流程中品牌与消费者产生交互的各个接触点。本文融合服务设计的理念,将文化价值转换成经济价值,打造属于广西本土的服务系统,以此推动广西本土品牌良性的发展。


中图分类号:TB472 文献标识码:A


Abstract:With the opening and development of Guangxi's Beibu Gulf Economic Zone, the "New Guizhou Merchants" with unique cultural symbols and strength have gradually entered the world. In this environment, the author uses service design thinking to organically integrate Guangxi's local corporate brand with market demand and consumer demand. Through the research on the status quo of local enterprises in Guangxi, the various touch points of interaction between the brand and consumers in the service system design process are clarified. This article integrates the concept of service design, transforms cultural value into economic value, and builds a service system belonging to Guangxi's local area, so as to promote the healthy development of Guangxi's local brand.

Key Words:New guangxi Businessmen; Brand; service system design