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单位:福建师范大学     作者:林嘉思     来源:工业设计杂志     时间:2021-04-26

摘 要:新媒体技术的发展为人们的沟通方式带来了改变,互动式公益广告依托于新媒体技术也迎来了新的成长机遇,如何运用新媒体技术来推进互动式公益广告的发展是值得深入探究的。本文首先阐述了新媒体技术、互动式公益广告的概念,其次探讨了新媒体技术在互动式公益广告设计中的应用意义,最后分析了新媒体技术在互动式公益广告中的应用原则。通过本文的研究,希望以此为互动式公益广告设计的实践活动提供理论参考。


中图分类号:J524 文献标识码:A


Abstract:The development of new media technology has brought about changes in the way people communicate. Interactive public service advertisements relying on new media technology have also ushered in new growth opportunities. How to use new media technology to promote the development of interactive public service advertisements is worthy of in-depth exploration of. This article first expounds the concept of new media technology and interactive public service advertisement, secondly discusses the application significance of new media technology in interactive public service advertisement design, and finally analyzes the application principle of new media technology in interactive public service advertisement. Through the research of this article, and hope to provide a theoretical reference for the practical activities of interactive public service advertisement design.

Key Words:New Media Technology; Interactive; Public Service Advertisement; Application; Design